For almost 20 years, the founding partners of Einzelnet have been structuring and shaping the company, adapting our skills and knowledge to meet the demands and changing needs of our clients, with the premises of quality and commitment which have always been an inherent and unwaivering pillar of our corporate DNA.
Likewise, we have incentivised and developed the talent of the people who have joined the project, year after year, to create and consolidate an unparalleled group of professionals, who feel like Einzelnet is their own; a fundamental element for all of them to transmit our culture and values, from any part of the company, to each task and responsibility that make up their duties.
Every new stage Einzelnet has embarked upon, throughout its history, has been the fruit of meditated analysis and calm reflection, which has resulted each time in the constant redefinition and gradual adaptation of the corporate strategy; always taking into account the internal and external factors that influence each moment and set of circumstances.
In recent months, we have been working intensely to once again carry out this necessary analysis. However, this time we wanted to look far ahead, even further than in the previous analyses, to a future much further down the line: we have focussed on designing Einzelnet’s guidelines for the next 20 years.
Because it’s now that all the factors are present to truly redefine an Einzelnet that will be capable of transcending its founders themselves and becoming an international leader that will survive the tests of time. An incomparably more robust and long-lasting Einzelnet, with professional shareholders and management, that can continue to lead markets, skills and geographic areas.
For all the above reasons, and because we believe it to be a truly relevant milestone in the history of the company, today we are enormously proud to be able to announce the creation of UNIKAL TECH PARTNERS, a futuristic corporate project of which Einzelnet is already its first founding element, with all its skills and areas of specialisation, and for which it will be the launch pad and essential catalyst.
UNIKAL TECH PARTNERS is born out of the same idea, with the determination to become a European leader for added value services. A Specialist of Specialists that has taken on and conquered EMEA from the Iberian peninsula and Central Europe in the domain of Information Technologies in its broadest scope.
To bring this exciting, distinguishing project to life, we have a new partner; Ufenau Capital Partners. Their experience in fast-growing international projects in the world of services, as well as their corporate values and future vision, were the fundamental reasons to decide to come together and create a common project, where we combine the necessary values, skills and resources.
UNIKAL TECH PARTNERS is the result of the combination of two unbeatable ingredients: leadership and skills.
Einzelnet’s four shareholders, José Gil, Joaquín Canóvas, David Quirós and Francisco Garcia continue to be very significant shareholders of the company, at the same time as continuing with their normal duties. Additionally, they have brought in a fifth partner, Jorge Hilario, as both a shareholder and member of management.
José Gil and Jorge Hilario are also on the Board of Directors and will perform the role of CEO jointly, with the responsibility of defining and implementing the strategy, as well as guiding the group’s organic and inorganic growth.

José Gil, Francisco García, Jorge Hilario, David Quirós y Ximo Cánovas
From a technological point of view, these skills are represented by the team of professionals who currently make up Einzelnet; without doubt key elements of our successful corporate voyage. In order to fulfil the new, ambitious goals we have set for ourselves, our current skills will be supplemented, expanded and enhanced by new professionals and teams who will joint us in the future.
In terms of finance and growth, these skills are supplied by all the coinvestor partners in UNIKAL TECH PARTNERS. Our skills, in these two areas, are multiplied with the contribution of our new companion on this journey, Ufenau Capital Partners.
In the area of corporate know-how, in our specialist markets, between the five corporate shareholders and the team of Ufenau Capital Partners, we have decades of experience in the management and implementation of successful, lasting strategies, which are the essential base to tackle this exciting joint project.
The next few months will constitute a fantastic challenge for UNIKAL TECH PARTNERS;
Watch this space…